Discover The Power Of You, Of Energy & Of Wellness From Within...

Experience Life Unraveled

“This is a sojourn where you turn your focus inward, you catch your breath and slowly, delicately detangle your frayed nerves and thoughts that are taut with worry. It is then you will see your desires unfolding outwards.”

In:ha Wellness

Self-Assessed Profile builder

To have clarity on why you need In:ha’s services, try out a self-assessment quiz which will take you through a series of questions. With this quiz, you will be able to gauge and effectively plot your readiness to take this one.

Why In:ha?

Meet Your Life Strategist

They often say, ‘life isn’t a bed of roses…’ and while it certainly isn’t, there are times when it can seem overwhelmingly thorny. Every result is unfavorable, decisions don’t seem to be going your way, and you find yourself frustrated and easily annoyed. Your emotional health is fragile and you are seeking answers. At In:ha, we believe that the answers you seek will not be plastered on billboards or found in fortune cookies. We believe they are inside you. And for that reason, we urge you to take a journey, and this one is going to be unforgettable.

In:ha, Different?

The ultimate planning solution for busy women who want to reach their personal goals

At In:ha Wellness, you are welcomed into a non-judgmental space which does away with labels. Your emotional wellness is of paramount importance but it’s important that clients do not believe that they are inherently flawed or that it will always be that way. You’re often slotted into labels, or singularly defined by what you have. It need not be that way.

Begin Here...

Book Your Introductory Session.

Take On A Journey To Success..

At In:ha, we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all attitude. Which is why, our sessions involve a customized, highly tailored plan that’s almost therapeutic as the client is taken through a series of steps that helps them find answers and rediscover the energy they always had or wanted. 

Kate Winslate